Friday, September 7, 2012

28 weeks

Well, I'm now at 28 weeks, in my 3rd trimester, and this morning I was definitely feeling little appendages poking into me. I'm assuming as there will be less room I'll get to feel little arms and legs poking out more and more. That makes me happy. :)
People keep asking how I'm feeling and are surprised I'm not super uncomfortable yet. That doesn't happen now, does it? I always thought it happened the last 4 weeks or do. Either way, I'm feeling preset good. I do, however, require more pillows when sleeping now.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Books that my baby bump hears

Well, for those of you who don't know, our little guy's name is going to be Harold. We will call him Harry. He is named after Chris's Pop Pop, who chris has always seen as a role model in many different areas of his life. For years Chris has told me that if he ever has a son he wants to name him after that, so I know he's very excited to be able to honor Pop Pop in that way.

Since sharing that name with people, a coworker had asked me if i already owned a copy of "Harold and the Purple Crayon". Why, as a matter of fact, I did not. In fact, I was not familiar with the book. I looked it up online and the pictures seemed familiar, though it was not a book I read growing up so I didn't know anything about the book itself.
Well, this particular coworker sent me a copy of the book, and I must say I've already read it to my belly quite a few times. I have a feeling that this will be a special book that Harry will hear many a cranky nights.
The book is abought a little boy named Harold, his purple crayon, and his creativity. With just a purple crayon, Harold goes on quite the adventure,  He uses his crayon to draw what he needs at the time. He finds himself in different situations, good and bad, and draws his way out of his problems. I just hope that it doesn't inspire our Harold to go on any midnight walks following the moonlight. :)

Since I'm talking about books, I want to mention the other book that I've read to teh bump and am I'm looking forward to the reading with Harry. It is a Phillie Phanatic book that my brother got us for Christmas last year. It was his first book, and actually his first baby item that we were given, as we weren't pregnant yet at the time. This book holds a lot of sentimental value to me, as well as a fun way to introduce Harry to the Phillies. It's a cute colorful book that follows the Phanatic around during the day of a game.