Wow, I can't believe that Harold is over a week old already!! He is such a joy and my heart has truly grown. If you know me well, you know I love my sleep, but he is sooooo worth the sleep loss! He likes to sleep bring held, which is something we're trying to work on changing for night time.
He already has preferences on how he likes to be held and what comforts him. I know as time goes on he'll have even more likes and dislikes and I'm so excited to start to learn more about him and his personality!
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Welcome to the world
Harold Sololomon was born on 12/4/12 at 6:11am. He was 7lb 12oz & 21 1/2 inches long. He came into this works screaming, and was very alert.
My recovery has been very smooth and he has been worth every pain and annoyance durning the pregnancy and delivery.
He likes to be laid over the shoulder , and likes sucking on fingers. Getting to know him has been so cool and I can't wait to learn more.
My recovery has been very smooth and he has been worth every pain and annoyance durning the pregnancy and delivery.
He likes to be laid over the shoulder , and likes sucking on fingers. Getting to know him has been so cool and I can't wait to learn more.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
DUE DATE! 40 weeks!!
Today is my due date!!! This little will definitely be here soon, one way or another! Here are pics from today (I'm getting rid of a cold, so don't judge me).
Saturday, November 24, 2012
39 weeks!
Wow- my due date is on Thursday, today is Saturday! I know the due date is just a guesstimate, but it's definitely a milestone that we're very close to. Harry is seeming pretty comfy- so we'll see if he goes past due, and if so, how far.
In the past week or 2 I've gotten to the point where strangers are regularly striking up conversations with me, asking when I'm due, etc. thankfully, no strangers have touched my belly. I'm surprisingly completely fine with people I know touching my stomach, it just seems a normal part of pregnancy, but I don't think I'd feel the same about strangers doing so.
The below pictures are 38 weeks 6 days (blue and black shirt with tie) and 39 weeks 3 days (taken today- blue fitted shirt).
In the past week or 2 I've gotten to the point where strangers are regularly striking up conversations with me, asking when I'm due, etc. thankfully, no strangers have touched my belly. I'm surprisingly completely fine with people I know touching my stomach, it just seems a normal part of pregnancy, but I don't think I'd feel the same about strangers doing so.
The below pictures are 38 weeks 6 days (blue and black shirt with tie) and 39 weeks 3 days (taken today- blue fitted shirt).
Friday, November 16, 2012
38 weeks!
I can't believe it's already 38 weeks! On one hand I feel like I've been pregnant forever, on the other hand I feel like its gone so fast!
Items have been checked off the to-do list, Christmas presents have begun to be purchased, DIY touches are being finished on the nursery, and the baby will be here at any time!
This past week at my appointment it really hit me that he'll be here soon and that everything will change. Wowww. I don't even know what that means! We also got an estimated current weight of the baby:
5.75-6 lbs. so far he's a little peanut! Pretty soon we'll get to see and hold him in our arms!
Okayyyy, here's a 38 week picture
Items have been checked off the to-do list, Christmas presents have begun to be purchased, DIY touches are being finished on the nursery, and the baby will be here at any time!
This past week at my appointment it really hit me that he'll be here soon and that everything will change. Wowww. I don't even know what that means! We also got an estimated current weight of the baby:
5.75-6 lbs. so far he's a little peanut! Pretty soon we'll get to see and hold him in our arms!
Okayyyy, here's a 38 week picture
Monday, November 12, 2012
Nursery (mostly) reveal!
Ahhhh I just took a long bath followed by a long shower- cause I still can. Then I checked to see if I was flexible enough to touch my toes without bending my knees- I am!! That made Harry move around a bunch.
Anyway... On to the real post- nursery stuff!
So as of this past Thursday I'm off the meds and bed rest, so this weekend I kicked into gear and was finally free to work on the nursery.
I still have a few pieces that need added. The glider/rocker is ordered and will be here this weekend and the curtains are being made. The rocker will go in the corner where the blue bouncer currently is sitting to hold it's spot.
There are other little details, but some of them will need to wait for the baby (like pictures of him to go around the elephant canvas).
So here's what we have do far, it finally feels like a real nursery!! I can't wait until it's 100% finished...and has a baby to go in it!
Anyway... On to the real post- nursery stuff!
So as of this past Thursday I'm off the meds and bed rest, so this weekend I kicked into gear and was finally free to work on the nursery.
I still have a few pieces that need added. The glider/rocker is ordered and will be here this weekend and the curtains are being made. The rocker will go in the corner where the blue bouncer currently is sitting to hold it's spot.
There are other little details, but some of them will need to wait for the baby (like pictures of him to go around the elephant canvas).
So here's what we have do far, it finally feels like a real nursery!! I can't wait until it's 100% finished...and has a baby to go in it!
Saturday, November 10, 2012
37 weeks- full term!
Wow! Looking back at my pregnancy, reaching the magical 37 weeks is so awesome!
I'm feeling great. Definitely have been heading to bed earlier than usual, but don't seem to have the common discomfort they Hellen's at this point.
Harry likes tucking his feet right under my right ribs, if I gently touch it or nudge it he'll usually move.
It's weird to think that he could come tomorrow or he could come in 3 weeks. So when do YOU think he'll make his arrival?
I'm feeling great. Definitely have been heading to bed earlier than usual, but don't seem to have the common discomfort they Hellen's at this point.
Harry likes tucking his feet right under my right ribs, if I gently touch it or nudge it he'll usually move.
It's weird to think that he could come tomorrow or he could come in 3 weeks. So when do YOU think he'll make his arrival?
Saturday, November 3, 2012
36 weeks and due date month!
I don't know what a Crenshaw melon is, but that's the side of the baby!
Thursday was a big day, it marked 36 weeks AND it was Nov. 1st!!! The month we're due!
What a journey this has been so far and we are grateful that Harry is healthy and still cooking!
36 week photo:
Thursday was a big day, it marked 36 weeks AND it was Nov. 1st!!! The month we're due!
What a journey this has been so far and we are grateful that Harry is healthy and still cooking!
36 week photo:
Saturday, October 20, 2012
34 weeks & last week's shower
Well, Thursday officially marked the 34 week mark!! :) One of the midwives told us a few weeks ago that at 34 weeks if he were to be born he would no longer need tubes down his through, he would just have some breathing tubes in his nose. So this is an exciting milestone. Next week he would be considered "Late preterm" and at 35 and 36 weeks depending on how developed he would be if he were to be born, and if he had any other issues (such as jaundice) he may or may not spend time in the NICU. Getting closer feels so good!
I had a growth ultrasound this past week and he is measuring well and is right on track. My cervical length shortened again, so I have no clue if that means my body is getting more and more ready.
I was told during my appointment this past week that next week, at 35 weeks they'll take me off of my medication and bedrest. WHAT?!?! So i'll definately be talking to the doctor next week when I go in just to calm some of my fears of not waiting until i'm considered full term. I have no clue if he'll come right away or if he'll wait a little while, because people in my situation are all different.
Okay, enough about that!
I had my hometown shower last weekend and it was awesome!! My sisters through an incredible shower, and went above and beyond to do so. It was a small shower with family and friends, and it was really nice to be able to chat with everyone and catch up. They made the theme to match my nursery, so it was jungle animals and chevron. Everything was decorated SO CUTE, and they made both gluten filled and gluten-free food alike!
Instead of games they had people decorate onesies. Thead fabric and heatbond and people cut out patterns and ironed it onto the onesies. I was SOOOO impressed by how cute they turned out! Turns out these ladies have some craftiness and creativity in them!
It was so cool to be there, because when the Pre-Term Labor issues started, we weren't sure if I'd be allowed to travel.
So here is a 34 week picture, and then some shower pictures.
I had a growth ultrasound this past week and he is measuring well and is right on track. My cervical length shortened again, so I have no clue if that means my body is getting more and more ready.
I was told during my appointment this past week that next week, at 35 weeks they'll take me off of my medication and bedrest. WHAT?!?! So i'll definately be talking to the doctor next week when I go in just to calm some of my fears of not waiting until i'm considered full term. I have no clue if he'll come right away or if he'll wait a little while, because people in my situation are all different.
Okay, enough about that!
I had my hometown shower last weekend and it was awesome!! My sisters through an incredible shower, and went above and beyond to do so. It was a small shower with family and friends, and it was really nice to be able to chat with everyone and catch up. They made the theme to match my nursery, so it was jungle animals and chevron. Everything was decorated SO CUTE, and they made both gluten filled and gluten-free food alike!
Instead of games they had people decorate onesies. Thead fabric and heatbond and people cut out patterns and ironed it onto the onesies. I was SOOOO impressed by how cute they turned out! Turns out these ladies have some craftiness and creativity in them!
It was so cool to be there, because when the Pre-Term Labor issues started, we weren't sure if I'd be allowed to travel.
So here is a 34 week picture, and then some shower pictures.
34 Weeks size of an "average cantaloupe"
Sunday, October 14, 2012
A late 33 week pic
So last week I didn't take the normal weekly pic, but I did take a picture to send to coworkers so I'll share it. This past weekend was my shower with my family back home. It was awesome!Pictures and a summary will be coming soon.
Here's my 33 week pic:
Here's my 33 week pic:
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Long time no post- an update and shower recap
So I've been MIA for a little while. But here I am. If you're following my blog that means you're either close friend or a family member, so probably already know that I've been dealing with some pre-term labor for the past few weeks. The first few days were really scary for me, but everything seems stable with the help of medication and bed rest. I was initially on strict bedrest, but that got lifted to "modified bed rest". What does that mean? -I don't know. haha. Basically I'm still on bed rest and supposed to sit around and lay around as much as possible, however I have a little more flexibility in being able to do some stuff.
I have the tendency to push it and am still working on learning my limits. If i'm up and moving around for more than 10-15 minutes, I've learned that the contractions come on faster.
I'm being seen at the doctors once a week now, instead of every other week.
This past weekend was also my local shower here. Two of my best friends through the shower for me and it was AMAZING. It was way more than I ever expected. It was so nice to 1- get to actually socialize with people! and 2- get to see friends and family in one place.
My friends had those who came bring a book for Harry as the card. I've been to showers where that's been done before, but being on the receiving end- it was so cool to see the thought that went into some of the books that were picked. And we have SOOO many books now! :)
They also did a cute game that was about animals and baby names. (I didn't do well at that game, but some people REALLY know their animal baby names!) And they also did a really cute activity where people put their fingerprint on little picture they made. I can't wait to see that one and hang it up.
It was really hard for me to just sit and not get to mingle. I'm also a little bummed I didn't have someone take more pictures for me, but one of Chris's aunts offered to take some pictures while I was opening presents, so that was nice.
Finally- we started getting the nursery put together! The crib went up last night so I'm eager to start moving stuff in and making it look like a nursery! No pictures of that yet, I want to wait until it's more done!
SO here are a few pictures for you. we have a 31 week pic (I'll be 32 weeks tomorrow) and some baby shower pics.


I have the tendency to push it and am still working on learning my limits. If i'm up and moving around for more than 10-15 minutes, I've learned that the contractions come on faster.
I'm being seen at the doctors once a week now, instead of every other week.
This past weekend was also my local shower here. Two of my best friends through the shower for me and it was AMAZING. It was way more than I ever expected. It was so nice to 1- get to actually socialize with people! and 2- get to see friends and family in one place.
My friends had those who came bring a book for Harry as the card. I've been to showers where that's been done before, but being on the receiving end- it was so cool to see the thought that went into some of the books that were picked. And we have SOOO many books now! :)
They also did a cute game that was about animals and baby names. (I didn't do well at that game, but some people REALLY know their animal baby names!) And they also did a really cute activity where people put their fingerprint on little picture they made. I can't wait to see that one and hang it up.
It was really hard for me to just sit and not get to mingle. I'm also a little bummed I didn't have someone take more pictures for me, but one of Chris's aunts offered to take some pictures while I was opening presents, so that was nice.
Finally- we started getting the nursery put together! The crib went up last night so I'm eager to start moving stuff in and making it look like a nursery! No pictures of that yet, I want to wait until it's more done!
SO here are a few pictures for you. we have a 31 week pic (I'll be 32 weeks tomorrow) and some baby shower pics.


Friday, September 7, 2012
28 weeks
Well, I'm now at 28 weeks, in my 3rd trimester, and this morning I was definitely feeling little appendages poking into me. I'm assuming as there will be less room I'll get to feel little arms and legs poking out more and more. That makes me happy. :)
People keep asking how I'm feeling and are surprised I'm not super uncomfortable yet. That doesn't happen now, does it? I always thought it happened the last 4 weeks or do. Either way, I'm feeling preset good. I do, however, require more pillows when sleeping now.
People keep asking how I'm feeling and are surprised I'm not super uncomfortable yet. That doesn't happen now, does it? I always thought it happened the last 4 weeks or do. Either way, I'm feeling preset good. I do, however, require more pillows when sleeping now.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Books that my baby bump hears
Well, for those of you who don't know, our little guy's name is going to be Harold. We will call him Harry. He is named after Chris's Pop Pop, who chris has always seen as a role model in many different areas of his life. For years Chris has told me that if he ever has a son he wants to name him after that, so I know he's very excited to be able to honor Pop Pop in that way.
Since sharing that name with people, a coworker had asked me if i already owned a copy of "Harold and the Purple Crayon". Why, as a matter of fact, I did not. In fact, I was not familiar with the book. I looked it up online and the pictures seemed familiar, though it was not a book I read growing up so I didn't know anything about the book itself.
Well, this particular coworker sent me a copy of the book, and I must say I've already read it to my belly quite a few times. I have a feeling that this will be a special book that Harry will hear many a cranky nights.
The book is abought a little boy named Harold, his purple crayon, and his creativity. With just a purple crayon, Harold goes on quite the adventure, He uses his crayon to draw what he needs at the time. He finds himself in different situations, good and bad, and draws his way out of his problems. I just hope that it doesn't inspire our Harold to go on any midnight walks following the moonlight. :)
Since I'm talking about books, I want to mention the other book that I've read to teh bump and am I'm looking forward to the reading with Harry. It is a Phillie Phanatic book that my brother got us for Christmas last year. It was his first book, and actually his first baby item that we were given, as we weren't pregnant yet at the time. This book holds a lot of sentimental value to me, as well as a fun way to introduce Harry to the Phillies. It's a cute colorful book that follows the Phanatic around during the day of a game.
Since sharing that name with people, a coworker had asked me if i already owned a copy of "Harold and the Purple Crayon". Why, as a matter of fact, I did not. In fact, I was not familiar with the book. I looked it up online and the pictures seemed familiar, though it was not a book I read growing up so I didn't know anything about the book itself.
Well, this particular coworker sent me a copy of the book, and I must say I've already read it to my belly quite a few times. I have a feeling that this will be a special book that Harry will hear many a cranky nights.
The book is abought a little boy named Harold, his purple crayon, and his creativity. With just a purple crayon, Harold goes on quite the adventure, He uses his crayon to draw what he needs at the time. He finds himself in different situations, good and bad, and draws his way out of his problems. I just hope that it doesn't inspire our Harold to go on any midnight walks following the moonlight. :)
Thursday, August 30, 2012
27 weeks
Wow, depending on who's information I use, I'm either in the 3rd trimester this week or next week. For reeeaaaallll?!
Oh gosh.
By now our guy is moving around quite regularly, though I can't really feel movements other than kicks, jumps, and hiccups due to the anterior placenta.
I'm still having impressive heartburn, but my morning sickness which came back for almost 2 weeks is gone again. I find that I'm getting tired quicker than usual, and I'm definitely slower on walks.
Overall I'm feeling really good. I've learned if I get too full it hurts to bend over.
I got the sweetest gift from a coworker, I'll have to post about this weekend.
Oh gosh.
By now our guy is moving around quite regularly, though I can't really feel movements other than kicks, jumps, and hiccups due to the anterior placenta.
I'm still having impressive heartburn, but my morning sickness which came back for almost 2 weeks is gone again. I find that I'm getting tired quicker than usual, and I'm definitely slower on walks.
Overall I'm feeling really good. I've learned if I get too full it hurts to bend over.
I got the sweetest gift from a coworker, I'll have to post about this weekend.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Nursery Theme
So I mentioned the little magical nursery elves before and I have bad news- they still haven't shown up and created my nursery. So, i'm starting to think that we're going to have to do things without them.
I have the wall painted (just needs touch-ups) and the trim needs done. Once that's done, We can put up the crib and I can freak out because it looks like a real nursery.
We have chosen chevron and jungle animals (mostly elephants) as our theme.
Our colors are green, turquoise and orange. We have a few things started for the room, so I can't wait to do a reveal later on.
But for now, below is a picture of the fabric I'll be using for some of the things in the room.
I have the wall painted (just needs touch-ups) and the trim needs done. Once that's done, We can put up the crib and I can freak out because it looks like a real nursery.
We have chosen chevron and jungle animals (mostly elephants) as our theme.
Our colors are green, turquoise and orange. We have a few things started for the room, so I can't wait to do a reveal later on.
But for now, below is a picture of the fabric I'll be using for some of the things in the room.
Friday, August 24, 2012
26 weeks
I am now 26 weeks pregnant. Harry is now about 14 inches, 1.75 pounds, and the size of a hothouse cucumber.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Double digits!
We've now hit double digits- today is 99 days from our due date! Wowzers!
I keep hoping that magical nursery elves are hard at work while I'm sleeping. Sadly, every morning when I wake up, I find the room still incomplete.
My bump is becoming more prominent and I'm beginning to "feel pregnant", whatever that means.
I just am looking forward to the nesting phase and hope that I go through it!
I keep hoping that magical nursery elves are hard at work while I'm sleeping. Sadly, every morning when I wake up, I find the room still incomplete.
My bump is becoming more prominent and I'm beginning to "feel pregnant", whatever that means.
I just am looking forward to the nesting phase and hope that I go through it!
Saturday, August 18, 2012
25 weeks and welcome back nausea!
As I write this I am 25 weeks, 3 days and have 103 days until my due date. HOLY COW.
Based on averages, our little boy is about 13.5 inches, weighs 1.5 pounds, and is the size of a rutabega.
He is beginning to develop fingernails and toenails and his hair, which he already had begun to grow, is growing more and developing texture and color. I wonder if it's blonde or brown!? If the old wives tail is true (which I know that it's not always) this little boy is going to truly be covered in hair from head to toe with the intensity of heart burn I've been having. haha.
Starting this past Sunday my morning sickness is back. I've noticed I'm way more of a baby about it having it now at the end of my 2nd trimester then when I had it early on. When I had it in the beginning I had it every day, had constant nausea with a few hours reprieve throughout the day, and got sick multiple times a day. And every time I got sick I smiled and was thankful for the baby, and the hormones that were in me making me sick.
Now that it's been gone awhile and I feel like I "shouldn't" have it, it's a little more difficult. I've gotten sick most days this past week but the nausea wasn't constant most days. I'm still able to work through it and keep on trucking for the most part, plus I have the nausea medicine I was given earlier on that I took this past week when it got to be unbarable and continual.
I still want to wear my symptoms as a badge. By that I don't mean that I want to be public about it, but I want to see it as something that I'm proud of. These are the symptoms that I have a baby growing inside of me, he is healthy and developing, and I am forever thankful for that. So bring on the nausea and heartburn- 'cause I'll take it! :)
I can't wait to meet him!
Based on averages, our little boy is about 13.5 inches, weighs 1.5 pounds, and is the size of a rutabega.
He is beginning to develop fingernails and toenails and his hair, which he already had begun to grow, is growing more and developing texture and color. I wonder if it's blonde or brown!? If the old wives tail is true (which I know that it's not always) this little boy is going to truly be covered in hair from head to toe with the intensity of heart burn I've been having. haha.
Starting this past Sunday my morning sickness is back. I've noticed I'm way more of a baby about it having it now at the end of my 2nd trimester then when I had it early on. When I had it in the beginning I had it every day, had constant nausea with a few hours reprieve throughout the day, and got sick multiple times a day. And every time I got sick I smiled and was thankful for the baby, and the hormones that were in me making me sick.
Now that it's been gone awhile and I feel like I "shouldn't" have it, it's a little more difficult. I've gotten sick most days this past week but the nausea wasn't constant most days. I'm still able to work through it and keep on trucking for the most part, plus I have the nausea medicine I was given earlier on that I took this past week when it got to be unbarable and continual.
I still want to wear my symptoms as a badge. By that I don't mean that I want to be public about it, but I want to see it as something that I'm proud of. These are the symptoms that I have a baby growing inside of me, he is healthy and developing, and I am forever thankful for that. So bring on the nausea and heartburn- 'cause I'll take it! :)
I can't wait to meet him!
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25 weeks- size of a rutabega |
Sunday, August 12, 2012
23 & 24 weeks
Wow, we're at 24 weeks! Time is indeed flying, as people have insured me that it is. Also not surprisingly, the summer is flying. Where did it go?!
So some how I missed updating last week, so today i'll put up a 23 and 24 week picture. Some of my family (Mom, Dad, and Sara) were in town to visit last weekend and it was just so refreshing! It was just so nice to have a piece of home here and to be able to just see them and talk to them in the same room and not just on the phone. :)
This past monday we had another ultrasound because our little boy didn't cooperate during the first ultrasound in regards to his spine. Because he was in frank breech during the first ultrasound, they couldn't get any good shots of his spine. So on monday we went in and to start he was in a great position for them to see his spine. Again, everything looked great and was measuring on target for everything! :)
I mentioned to the tech that we didn't get any good profile pictures during the last ultrasound so she tried to take some for me. When we finally got to the point where we could take the pics, he had moved back to frank breach again! Haha. so once again every picture she took of him had his legs and his feet in front o fhis face, but one of the pictures at least showed a little bit of the profile in 3D...Oh well, I guess we'll have to wait until November to see what he looks like!
Frank Breech |
3D ultrasound at 23 1/2 weeks |
This week Istarted to clean out what will be his nursery and am looking forward to buying pain and starting to it into a nursery. I'm excited to start seeing it come together, rather than just the mess it's been as storage.
Well, I'll leave you with the past 2 weeks of belly pictures and an ultrasound pic. Enjoy!
23 Weeks- size of a large mango |
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