I have the tendency to push it and am still working on learning my limits. If i'm up and moving around for more than 10-15 minutes, I've learned that the contractions come on faster.
I'm being seen at the doctors once a week now, instead of every other week.
This past weekend was also my local shower here. Two of my best friends through the shower for me and it was AMAZING. It was way more than I ever expected. It was so nice to 1- get to actually socialize with people! and 2- get to see friends and family in one place.
My friends had those who came bring a book for Harry as the card. I've been to showers where that's been done before, but being on the receiving end- it was so cool to see the thought that went into some of the books that were picked. And we have SOOO many books now! :)
They also did a cute game that was about animals and baby names. (I didn't do well at that game, but some people REALLY know their animal baby names!) And they also did a really cute activity where people put their fingerprint on little picture they made. I can't wait to see that one and hang it up.
It was really hard for me to just sit and not get to mingle. I'm also a little bummed I didn't have someone take more pictures for me, but one of Chris's aunts offered to take some pictures while I was opening presents, so that was nice.
Finally- we started getting the nursery put together! The crib went up last night so I'm eager to start moving stuff in and making it look like a nursery! No pictures of that yet, I want to wait until it's more done!
SO here are a few pictures for you. we have a 31 week pic (I'll be 32 weeks tomorrow) and some baby shower pics.


Thanks for keeping us updated! This shower was sooo cute! I was thinking about doing those paper things for the ceilings at the Johnstown babayshower, but I think we're doing somthing else.
ReplyDeleteYou are the cutest!