Tuesday, July 10, 2012

19 weeks and introductions

This is my journey through pregnancy. To say that we're excited to be going through this is an understatement. So far this has been such an exciting and new time, filled with hopes, dreams, tears, nausea, hormones, and so much more!
I have gone back and forth about creating a blog, but have finally decided that I will so that my family and friends that don't live near me can follow my pregancy. I can't make any promises that I'll keep up for it, but for today, I'll do my best. :)

I'm going to do 2 posts today, one with information just to summarize my pregnancy so far, the next will be pictures through the journey thus far.

Here we go:

  • Chris and I found out we were pregnant on Monday, March 19th with a positive digital pregnancy test. We suspected we were the day before, but the line test wasn't really helpful yet. I told chris by getting him a card with baby feet on it, and giving him a onesie and the positive test (gross, I know, but i think i had it covered somehow).
  • We had our confirmation appointment from our doctor a week and a half later, where all they did was  a pregnancy test as well.  
  • We told our families when we were 10/11 weeks pregnant. We told my parent's by sending them a box with a joint mothers day/fathers day gift and they each got some snacks, drinks, and then mugs that said "new grandma" and "new grandpa" on it. We told Chris's family by buying each of his parents a Phillies shirt, on the back it said either "grandma" or "grandpa" and then for the number it had 2 (since this will be the 2nd grandchild on the way). It was so fun to watch their reactions, sharing this with our famies has been such a  special joy to me.
  • Between week 8-10 (wish I could remember this) we had our first "real" appointment, where they did bloodwork, talked to us for awhile, and we got to hear the heartbeat. At first they weren't going to because they said that it's not likely that we'll hear one..but there it was, "wooshing" away! There was nothing like that experience!!!
  • We got our first ultrasound at about 13 weeks, though we measured at 12 weeks and 4 days. At first the baby was asleep, but then by the end he/she was a little jumping bean! I can't even put words on what that experience was like.
  • Saturday June 23- I felt the first "flutters" while I was at dinner with my sister and Chris. Sooo amazing.
  • July 5 (on exactly 19 weeks pregnant) the first person asked me if I was pregnant! Yay! that must mean I'm actually starting to look pregnant and not just chubby! I've been noticing a lot of people look at my stomach and wonder, and I just chuckle to myself
  • Sunday, July 8th- Chris felt the baby move for the first time! It was still flutters, so it wasn't a distinct kick but he said "I definately feel something".
So that's where we are as of right now! Thursday will mark the 20 week mark (halfway there! holy cow!) and Friday we will get an ultrasound and, if the baby cooperates, find out what it is!

Most of my posts won't be this long, but that should basically catch you up. :)

                                                  4 weeks pregnant - Size of a poppyseed


  1. I just wanted to let you know that I "get" your title! (I did from the beginning, but I'm just letting you know now).
    1. Poppyseed and pumpkins both have to do with Thanksgiving time, and those both correlate with the baby size while he's in ya!
    2. The baby will be born around Thanksgiving!
    3. You and Chris are both so THANKFUL! (and so am I)
