Monday, November 12, 2012

Nursery (mostly) reveal!

Ahhhh I just took a long bath followed by a long shower- cause I still can. Then I checked to see if I was flexible enough to touch my toes without bending my knees- I am!! That made Harry move around a bunch.
Anyway... On to the real post- nursery stuff!
So as of this past Thursday I'm off the meds and bed rest, so this weekend I kicked into gear and was finally free to work on the nursery.
I still have a few pieces that need added. The glider/rocker is ordered and will be here this weekend and the curtains are being made. The rocker will go in the corner where the blue bouncer currently is sitting to hold it's spot.
There are other little details, but some of them will need to wait for the baby (like pictures of him to go around the elephant canvas).
So here's what we have do far, it finally feels like a real nursery!! I can't wait until it's 100% finished...and has a baby to go in it!


  1. Thanks Sara! Can't wait until you come see it in person! :)

  2. Looks great! Harry is gonna love it! Gotta ask, what is over the crib. I can't quite make it out.

    1. Thanks! It's a paper mobile that was used as decoration at my Lancaster shower. :)
